18 Cross Rd
Westminster, MA 01473
Phone 978-874-2071 (Call or Text!)
email: info@rusticdog.com
Mon- Fri
Pick up 8am & 4:00pm-6:00pm, Drop offs 7:30am-9:00am.
Pick up and Drop offs 8am or 12:00pm.
Pick up and Drop offs 12:00pm Only.
We are By Appointment Only, please call to see if we are taking new dogs and to set up an appointment for a meet and greet. We do our best to return calls and texts as soon as possible. Due to the nature of the calls (volume and that they are sometimes detailed), it is difficult to return everyone’s calls, we appreciate your patience and we do ask for your patience on Sundays as well, as we limit correspondence to customers with a dog staying with us, and time sensitive matters, etc. We look forward to hearing from you!
Update 2025: due to the high volume of calls and messages, we apologize that we can not get back to everyone. If you are interested in our services, the best thing to do is text us with your basic info (your dog’s name, age, breed, brief description of their social behavior, and service you are interested in… and then continue to check in every month if you are still interested. We don’t have the manpower to maintain a waitlist but this in effect serves as one…